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Scott Kight


BS, Southern Illinois University
MS, Eastern Illinois University
PhD, Indiana University
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自然选择的基本机制是差异繁殖:选择倾向于比其他个体繁殖得更好的个体. Dr. 奈特感兴趣的是了解动物如何以及为什么对这一重要的生物事件做出决定. Generally using invertebrate animals as model species, Dr. 奈特和他的学生调查了为什么有些动物会照顾它们的幼崽(而大多数物种都不这样做),以及这些照顾者何时/为什么决定停止对后代的投资. 有时,这些问题需要了解动物如何与其他物种相互作用, such as predators. Dr. 目前,奈特和他的学生们将注意力转向了入侵物种和本地物种之间的生态竞争与繁殖决策之间的关系.

Refereed Publications (* denotes student co-author)

Herbert-Berger, K.G., Goodey, N., Ruczszyk, S., Kight, S.L., & Marlowe, T.J. 2019. Infusing CS graduate transition curriculum with professional, technical and data science competencies. 第50届ACM计算机科学教育技术研讨会论文集.

Kight, S.L., *Coffey, G.L., *Tanner, A.W., *Dmytriw, M.P., *Tedesco, S.L., *Hoang, J. and *Aboagye, A.K. 2018. 一种k选择水生昆虫捕食者生殖物候的最新变化, Belostoma flumineum Say (Heteroptera, Belostomatidae). Bulletin of Entomological Research. 1-6.

*Casner, A.M., *Fackelman, H.C., *Degtyareva, O. & Kight, S.L. 2016. Do female Western
Mosquitofish, Gambusia affinis, prefer ornaments that males lack? Ethology. 122: 1-10.

*Zimmerman, K.I. & Kight, S.L. 2016. Responses of four arthropod prey species to mechanosensory, 来自蛛形纲捕食者的化学感觉和视觉线索:比较方法. Life: The Excitement of Biology. 4: 113-134.

*Hegarty, K.G. & Kight, S.L. 2014. 捕食者线索是否会影响陆生等足动物坡齿和犰狳的转向交替行为? Behavioural Processes. 106: 168-171.

Kight, S.L., *Tanner, A.W., *Coffey, G.L. 2011. Termination of brooding in male giant
waterbugs is associated with season, egg pad size, and presence of females. Invertebrate Reproduction and Development. 55:197-204.

Kight, S.L. 2008. Reproductive ecology of terrestrial isopods (Crustacea: Oniscidea). Terrestrial Arthropod Reviews. 1:95-110.

Kight, S.L., *Steelman, L., *Coffey, G., *Lucente, J., & *Castillo, M. 2008. Evidence of population-level lateralized behaviour in giant waterbugs, 白腹虫(异翅目:白腹虫科):t型迷宫左转偏. Behavioural Processes. 79: 66-69.

Houghtaling, K. & Kight, S.L. 2006. Turn alternation in response to substrate vibration by terrestrial isopods, 新泽西州农村和城市生境的青瓷(等足目:青瓷目), USA. Entomological News. 117: 149-154.

Kight, S.L., Gaynor, J.J. & Adams, S.A. 2006. 本科生研究社区:研究训练的有力途径. Journal of College Science Teaching. 35: 34-39.

Castillo, M.E. & Kight, S.L. 2005. Response of terrestrial isopods, 普通犰狳和灰斑蛱蝶(等足目:蛱蝶总目)到蚂蚁斑蛱蝶:形态学, behavior and reproductive success. Invertebrate Reproduction and Development. 47:183-190.

Kight, S.L., Eadie, C., Lynch, D., Coelho, J. & DeWera, A. 2005. Classical conditioning of red-backed salamanders, Plethodon cinereus. Bulletin of the Maryland Herpetological Society. 41:68-84.

Kight, S.L. & Nevo, M. 2004. Female terrestrial isopods, 等足目:蛇尾纲)在生理应激条件下降低孵育期和繁殖力. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society. 77:285-287.

Kight, S.L. & Hashemi, A. 2003. 食物资源的减少与育龄陆生等足类动物的生殖延迟或生殖后死亡率增加有关, Armadillidium vulgare Latreille. Entomological News. 114: 61-68.

Kight, S.L. & Ozga, M. 2002. Costs of reproduction in the terrestrial isopod Porcellio
laevis Latreille (Isopoda: Oniscidea): brood-bearing and locomotion. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society. 74:166-171.

Kight, S.L., Martinez, M. & Merkulov, A. 2001. 青花鱼越冬种群的体型和存活率(等足目:青花鱼总目). Entomological News. 112: 112-118.

Kight, S.L., Batino, M. and Zhang, Z. 2000. Temperature-dependent parental investment in giant waterbugs, Belostoma flumineum Say (Heteroptera: Belostomatidae). Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 93:340-342.

Kight, S.L. 2000. 改变的光循环机制影响穴居虫的母性照料时间(异翅目:瓢虫科). Entomological News. 111:67-73. \s

Kight, S.L. and Cseke, J.J. 1999. 环境温度对一穴居小蠊母性照料时间的影响(异翅目:瓢虫科). Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society. 71:183-187.

Kight, S.L. 1998. 早熟II型改变了穴居虫(异翅目)母性反应. Physiological Entomology. 23:38-42.

Krall, B.S., Zilkowski, B.W., Kight, S.L., Bartelt, R.J. & Whitman, D.W. 1997. 穴居虫(Sehirus cinctus cinctus)分泌物的化学成分及防御作用. Journal of Chemical Ecology. 23:1951-1962.

Kight, S.L. 1997. 影响一种穴居虫(半翅目:瓢虫科)母性行为的因素. Animal Behaviour. 53:105-112

Kight, S.L. 1996. 印第安纳波利斯动物园日本猕猴的冲突后行为:对手的年龄影响和解. Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science. 105:269-276.

Kight, S.L., Rozema Jenkins, J. & Ng, B. 1996. Differential contact behavior by female whirligig beetles, Dineutus assimilis Kirby (Coleoptera: Gyrinidae). Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society. 69:360-362

Kight, S.L. 1996. 穴居虫(Sehirus cinctus)母性行为的隐藏与维持:比较视角. Journal of Comparative Psychology. 110:69-76

Kight, S.L., Sprague, J., Kruse, K.C. & Johnson, L. 1995. Are egg-bearing male water bugs, Belostoma flumineum Say (Hemiptera: Belostomatidae), impaired swimmers? Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 68:468-470.

Kight, S.L. 1995. Do maternal burrower bugs, Sehirus cinctus Palisot (Heteroptera: Cydnidae), use spatial and chemical cues for egg-discrimination? Canadian Journal of Zoology 73:815-817.

Kight, S.L. & K.C. Kruse. 1992. 影响水蝽(Belostoma fluumum Say)父权分配的因素. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 30:409-414.



Research Projects

Turn alternation behavior in giant waterbugs, Belostoma flumineum.

众所周知,动物——甚至是一些单细胞生物——在纠正直线运动时,会交替向左和向右连续转弯. This behavior is often associated with escape behavior, as in the context of prey moving away from a predator, or in migratory behavior, as in the context of an animal moving toward a specific destination. 我们目前正在调查,游动的昆虫是否会对水中与捕食者存在与否有关的线索做出这样的反应. 我们的研究结果表明,特定的捕食者会引起巨型水虫的轮转, but other predatory species do not. 我们很好奇这是否反映了猎物和某些动物之间的历史关系, but not all, predators in a particular habitat.

Interspecific competition between an invasive cockroach species, Blatta lateralis, and other cockroach species.

The Turkestan cockroach, Blatta lateralis, 在过去的几十年里被引入美国西部并成为入侵物种, extending its range across the southern states. 我们很好奇,这种行为在多大程度上可能与这种物种共存的能力有关,或者与已经存在于这些地区的蟑螂物种竞争. To this end, 我们在受控的实验室实验中研究行为相互作用, between B. lateralis and several other species, including German cockroaches, American cockroaches and Dubia cockroaches. 我们的初步结果表明,种间行为相互作用, such as aggression, use of habitat, and maze behavior, vary depending on the developmental stage, sex and species.

Phenology shifts in the breeding season of giant waterbugs in New Jersey.

我们正在记录过去十年来当地巨型水虫种群繁殖时间的变化, Belostoma flumineum. 这些水生昆虫历史上有两个繁殖季节,一个在春天,一个在秋天. For the last several years, however, they do not appear to breed in the fall under natural conditions, 实验室实验表明,即使在最佳条件下,繁殖也会延迟几个月,并与幼崽的死亡率和遗弃率增加有关. 我们假设这种影响可能与全球气候变化模式有关,其中初级生产者和传粉者/食草动物之间的营养相互作用改变了木网,使第二或第三层食肉动物(如巨型水虫)受到食物限制的影响.