
Red Hawk Advantage Award (RHAA)

Red Hawk Advantage Award (RHAA)

The RHAA is available to eligible incoming transfer and freshmen students 只有. The RHAA does not apply to housing or meal costs.

红鹰优势奖为符合条件的新泽西州十大博彩推荐排名州立大学或布卢姆菲尔德学院的学生提供最多四个学期的免费学杂费. If your family’s federal Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) falls between $0 and $65,000, and your high school GPA is 3.0+, you qualify for free tuition and general fees. Combined with the Garden State Guarantee Program, this means you could graduate with little to no debt!

This is more than an opportunity; it is an invitation to embrace your educational journey unburdened. 你的愿望, 我们的承诺——让红鹰优势奖为你的学术成功铺平道路.

Funding is based on annual allocations from the 大学.

What do I need to be eligible?

Students who meet the below criteria are eligible for the Red Hawk Advantage Award:

  • NJ residents, including NJ Dream Act students – must meet the NJ HESAA residency requirements.
  • Must complete the FAFSA and meet all 国家的最后期限 to have 状态 aid eligibility determined. 未能完成你的国家援助程序也危及你的资格为这个计划. Check your 状态 aid status online at HESAA.
  • 对于受抚养学生,调整后的总收入基于父母的AGI,对于独立学生,则基于学生/配偶的收入. 确定资格的收入是基于有关学年FAFSA报告的收入.
  • 学生必须正在攻读他们的第一个学士学位,并且必须获得不超过59个学分. Both new students and incoming transfers are eligible.
  • Must be enrolled full-time (12 credits or more) during the semester. RHAA只适用于秋季和春季学期,不会支付超过统一费率(12-18)的额外学分。.
  • 在十大博彩推荐排名州立大学或十大博彩推荐排名州立大学布卢姆菲尔德学院注册你的第一年或第二年的全日制课程. 这被定义为第一年获得0-30个学分,第二年获得31-59个学分(学分包括从其他机构获得的学分,只要十大博彩推荐排名/布卢姆菲尔德接受这些学分)。.
  • 学生必须与大学或NJHESAA完成所有验证和文件请求要求.
  • 维护 Satisfactory Academic Progress.
What do I have to submit to be considered?

Consideration is automatic with your FAFSA or NJ备选应用! There is not a separate application beyond one of those to complete.

Remember these important application requirements:

  • 完成你的 FAFSA immediately if you have not already done so. 新泽西梦想家应该提交 NJ备选应用 在HESAA的网站上找到.
  • Students must file the FAFSA or NJ备选应用 by HESAA’s 状态 grant deadlines.
  • Students must submit any requested documentation required by the 金融援助 Office.
  • If HESAA requests additional documentation, submission deadlines must also be met.
  • You must also complete the 状态 grant process (submit additional documents, 如果要求), regardless of eligibility for other 状态 grant aid.
RHAA 常见问题

How is the RHAA grant determined?
RHAA补助金是基于统一费率的学费和强制性费用(不包括美分)减去所有联邦, 状态, institutional and outside grant/scholarship aid.

When will the RHAA grants be applied to my account?

我有资格申请RHAA吗 if I have an Associate’s Degree?
No. 只要你满足上述所有其他标准,你就可以有资格成为60学分以下的转学生. Once you have earned 60 credits, you are no longer eligible for the RHAA; you may then be considered for the GSG program.

What happens to my RHAA eligibility if I take a semester off?
符合条件的学生可以在第一年和第二年(根据获得的学分定义)学习最多四个学期。. 如果你休学一学期, 当你回到十大博彩推荐排名州立大学或十大博彩推荐排名州立大学布卢姆菲尔德学院时,只要你继续满足所有的项目要求,你就会收到RHAA, including the Adjusted Gross Income requirements.

While there is no time limit to receiving the RHAA benefits, once a student earns 60 or more college credits, 他们不再有资格, regardless of enrollment or degree attainment status.

What happens if I withdraw from a course or all of my courses?
The RHAA grant may be reduced if your tuition is adjusted due to your withdrawal. This partial payment counts toward the maximum number of payments allowed. Visit this 添加/删除和退出 page for more information.

Can I transfer to Montclair/Bloomfield and still be eligible for RHAA?
是的, 所有被十大博彩推荐排名州立大学/十大博彩推荐排名州立大学布卢姆菲尔德学院接受的学分将计入您的资格. Remember that you must have earned less than 60 to qualify for RHAA.

我几年前上过大学,现在正考虑回去完成我的学士学位. As a degree completion and/or adult student, am I eligible for RHAA?
是的, as long as you meet the program eligibility criteria described above. 对于归国学生来说,RHAA是完美的,对于那些符合标准的学生来说,这是一个极好的机会 独立的地位 作为收入准则的FAFSA标准完全基于您和您配偶的收入.

I missed the 状态 deadline to file or complete my 状态 grant application. 我还能拿到RHAA吗?
No. 错过了截止日期,您将丧失参加该学期州项目的资格. You may be eligible for a subsequent semester as applicable. View the HESAA filing deadlines.

对于受供养的学生,只考虑父母的AGI,而不考虑学生的收入. 对于独立学生,如果适用,则考虑学生及其配偶的AGI. Please refer to the federal income tax return used 在FAFSA上 for the academic year.

由于他们的情况,我的父母不需要提交联邦所得税申报表. 我有资格吗??
No. A $0 AGI is 只有 eligible if your parent(s)/you and your spouse, 如果适用的话, indicate taxes ‘Were filed’ or ‘Will be filed’ 在FAFSA上. 空白AGI不符合资格.

My parents have a negative federal adjusted gross income (AGI). 我有资格吗??
No. 根据新泽西州高等教育学生援助局(HESAA)的政策, agi为阴性的家庭将自动失去红鹰优势奖和学费援助补助金计划的资格.

I’m not eligible for 状态 grants because of my family’s other income or assets. Will I still qualify for RHAA?
RHAA计划仅基于AGI数字,不包括其他收入或资产. It is straightforward so families can easily understand whether they qualify or not.

If I am paying for college myself, can my eligibility be determined by 只有 my AGI?
The income requirement is determined by the AGI reported 在FAFSA上. 如果你是 required to include parental information 在FAFSA上, the AGI used will be that of your parent(s), even if you are living on your own and supporting yourself.

If you meet one of the criteria to be considered an independent student 在FAFSA上 and are not required to include parental information 在FAFSA上; or you are approved for a dependency status appeal by the 大学, then your revised AGI will be used to determine eligibility.

我的家庭收入情况发生了变化,FAFSA上的收入报告不再准确地反映我们的情况. 我有什么选择?
When family circumstances change, 你可能有资格通过被称为请求审查的上诉程序重新考虑你的援助资格. 请参阅我们的 请求页面 了解政策详情,并提交收入调整上诉所需的文件.

I have scholarships and grants but also live on campus. Why can’t I use those funds to pay for housing and use RHAA to pay tuition and fees?
红鹰优势奖项目是一项最后一美元的资助项目,旨在帮助支付学费和杂费. 这意味着只有在所有其他助学金和奖学金申请到你的账单后,它才会提供学费和费用余额. 在某些情况下, 学生从其他来源获得足够的免费资金,可以全额支付学杂费.

我持签证在美国. 我有资格申请RHAA吗?
任何法律要求大学收取州内学费的学生都有资格获得RHAA(根据N.J.S.A 18A:62-4.6). This includes students who hold an H4 visa.

I am eligible for Veterans’ Benefits. 这会影响我的RHAA吗?
No, 支付给学校的任何用于支付学费和杂费的军事学费福利不包括在RHAA资格的计算中.

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