The lights in a row outside of the School of Nursing.


本工作帮助的目的是指导您如何使用Banner自助服务在线表格提交信用调整. 所有课程/学分调整请求必须在提交给注册主任办公室处理之前由主席和院长进行审查和批准. 请在收到通知后的5到10个工作日内通知您,您的信用调整请求已被批准并发送到注册办公室进行处理.

  • Adjustments noted on the online form will override any existing adjustments for the student.
  • Transfer course adjustments can only be processed if the course already exists on Degreeworks.
  • All General Education course adjustments must also be approved by the Office of the Provost.

It is imperative that you review the student’s degree audit in Degreeworks prior to completing this form. This will guide you on which category type to use to submit a credit adjustment. There are four categories to choose from:

  • General Education and/or 大学 Residency Requirement.
    • 此选项将允许您替换, waive or lower a General Education or 十大博彩推荐排名州立 degree requirement.
  • 世界语言和文化要求.
    • 此选项将允许您替换, waive or lower the World Languages and/or Cultures requirement.
  • MAJOR and/or Collateral Course Requirement.
    • 此选项将允许您替换, waive or lower course(s) within a student’s declared major/program of study.
  • 小的要求.
    • 此选项将允许您替换, waive or lower course(s) within a student’s declared minor.

Instructions To Submit The Credit Adjustment Request

1. 访问并登录您的 账户.

2. Navigate to find the Advisor Resources portlet.

3. 点击 自助服务旗帜 link. This will take you to SSB Banner for Faculty/Advisor Services landing page.

4. Once on the 自助服务旗帜 landing page, 点击 Faculty/Advisor Services.

5. Under the Faculty/Advisor Services, navigate to the displayed menu and 点击 学生资料菜单 where you will find the UG Degree/Credit Adjustment Request.

6. 请输入姓名或学生身份证号码,以便查询您的学生, 点击 搜索.

It is recommended to search by Student CWID so your search results are narrowed.

7. Once you have the Student displayed in your search results, click right on the “ID” field (blue font) to continue to the credit adjustment request.

8. All the options for Degree/Credit Adjustments will display. Please note that you can only select one category type of credit adjustment at a time.

9. 类别# 1. General Education and/or 大学 Residency Requirement. 点击 category and then on “Continue with Credit Adjustments Choice”.

10. Once on the menu, you can select a course to use from one of these two options. These would be for courses that you would like to substitute or waive. 这一部分是必需的。.

  • 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学课程
  • 转让的课程

You will also have the option to choose one or ALL the other 可选的调整.

  • Waive Final 24 Credit residency requirement
  • 减少通识教育总学分
  • Waive 32 Credit residency requirement (30 credit residency for nursing majors)

这些只是可选的选择. 默认选择为“NO”。. 如果您希望允许以学生的名义进行这些类型的学分调整,您可以通过选择“YES”进行更改.

11. 从下面列出的两个选项中选择一门课程(十大博彩推荐排名州立大学或转学课程),然后点击“继续选择学分调整”。.

选项1 -十大博彩推荐排名州立大学课程-在十大博彩推荐排名州立大学完成的机构课程-替代或放弃. 学生完成的十大博彩推荐排名州立大学机构课程将在下拉菜单中按完成期限与课程CRN一起显示, 学科代码, 课程数量, 学分, 与品位. (In progress courses for any given term will also display).

You can only select/submit one credit adjustment (Course) at a time. 如果您希望进行适用于十大博彩推荐排名州立大学和通识教育要求的同一类别的学分调整,您必须一次提交一个学分调整请求. You can repeat steps 11 to 13 multiple times.

12. Once you have selected the institutional course, 您必须从下拉菜单中输入十大博彩推荐排名州立大学的科目,并且您必须输入等效的课程/调整说明信息. This is where you will indicate to whether waive or substitute the requirement.

13. You are required to supply a justification in the provided field. Once completed, 点击 “Submit Credit Adjustment”.

选项- 2转学课程-您希望替代或放弃的已完成和转学的课程. 如果你想提交十大博彩推荐排名州立大学和通识教育要求学分调整类别,但转学课程, 请参阅下文. The steps are the same steps as the institutional courses.

14. Select 转让的课程 from the two options. 请检查学位(审计),以确保学生已输入转学课程,否则您将收到“没有转学列表可用”的消息。.

15. 从转学课程的下拉菜单中选择转学课程,并在提供的字段中输入十大博彩推荐排名州立大学的课程编号和名称/同等学历. 您还必须输入此信用调整请求的理由,并单击“提交信用调整”。.

16. 类别# 2. “World Languages and Cultures Credit Adjustment. 点击 radio button for that category and then 点击 “继续信贷调整选择”.

17. Once on the Credit Adjustment Selection menu for courses that you would like to substitute or waive, 您必须选择TOP选项之一.

  • 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学课程
  • 转让的课程

You also will have an option to choose a one-the-one option available from the bottom list of options.

这只是一个可选选项. 默认选择为“NO”。. 如果您希望允许以学生的名义进行这种类型的学分调整,您可以将其更改为“YES”,并从顶部选择其中一个选项.

18. 从下面列出的两个选项(十大博彩推荐排名州立大学和转学课程)中选择一门课程,然后点击“继续选择学分调整”。.

选项1-十大博彩推荐排名州立大学课程-在十大博彩推荐排名州立大学完成的机构课程-替代或放弃. 学生完成的十大博彩推荐排名州立大学机构课程将在下拉菜单中按完成期限与课程CRN一起显示, 学科代码, 课程数量, 学分, 与品位. (In progress courses for any given term will also display).

You can only select/submit one credit adjustment (Course) at a time. 如果您希望执行适用于同一类别的信用调整,则必须一次提交一个信用调整请求.

19. Once you have selected the institutional course, you 必须十大博彩推荐排名州立大学的课程编号和头衔等效字段中输入十大博彩推荐排名州立大学的课程信息,以放弃或替代该要求. Additionally, you are required to supply a justification in the provided field. Once completed, 点击 “Submit Credit Adjustment”.

选项- 2. 转学课程-您希望替代或放弃的已完成和转学的课程. If you are trying to submit a credit adjustment under the same category but for transfer courses, 请参阅下文. The steps are the same as the option of the institutional course.

20. Select 转让的课程 from the two options. 请检查学位(审计),以确保学生已输入转学课程,否则您将收到“没有转学列表可用”的消息。.

21. 从转学课程的下拉菜单中选择转学课程,并在提供的字段中输入十大博彩推荐排名州立大学的课程编号和名称/同等学历. 请输入 的理由 for this credit adjustment Request and 点击 “Submit Credit Adjustment”.

22. 类别# 3. MAJOR and/or Collateral Courses Requirement. 点击 radio button for that category and then 点击 “继续信贷调整选择”.

23. Select a course to use from the options displayed. You must select one of the options at a time and then 点击 “继续信贷调整选择”.

Options Available under this category are:

  • 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学课程 (substitute or waive)
  • 转学课程(替代或豁免)
  • 减少总专业学分
  • 免除课程或其他要求

24. For each of the 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 and the 转让的课程 Options, 您最多可以提交5门课程,以便在学位审核和/或横幅中被豁免或替代.

十大博彩推荐排名州立大学课程 (Institutional Courses)-从下拉菜单中选择机构课程,然后必须输入十大博彩推荐排名州立大学科目, AND Title/Equivalent for each of the selections chosen. 必须提供辩护箱.

转让的课程 -从下拉菜单中选择转学课程,然后必须为所选的每个课程输入十大博彩推荐排名州立大学的课程编号和名称/等效课程. 必须提供辩护箱.

减少总专业学分要求 – Select the radio button and continue to then enter a justification. 必须提供辩护箱.

放弃航线或其他要求 – Select the radio button and continue to then enter a justification. 必须提供辩护箱.

25. 类别# 4. 学生辅修学分调整. This will only apply of the student has a minor and you are trying to fulfill a requirement.

26. 在显示的三个选项中选择一个

  • 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学课程 (substitute or waive)
  • 转学课程(替代或豁免)
  • 放弃课程或其他要求

27. For each of the 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 and the 转让的课程 Options, you will be able to submit one course to be waived or substituted in the audit/Banner at a time.

十大博彩推荐排名州立大学课程 (Institutional Courses) -从下拉菜单中选择机构课程,然后您必须输入十大博彩推荐排名州立大学的科目和所选课程的等效/调整说明. 必须提供辩护箱.

转学课程- 从下拉菜单中选择转学课程,然后您必须输入十大博彩推荐排名州立大学的科目和所选课程的等效/调整说明. 必须提供辩护箱.


所有信贷调整提交, 您将在SSB屏幕上看到一条通知,显示信用调整已提交给不同审批级别的审查和批准.

Please be advised the next level of review and approval would be the Chair, Dean and/or Provost in some cases and lastly, the Office of the 注册商 for final review, 审批和处理. Once in the Office of the 注册商’s queue, 办公室将需要5到10个工作日来对学生的学位进行调整/审核. 作为提交学分调整请求的顾问,我们将向您发送通知,并通知学生调整状态. (批准/拒绝或处理).