HSCI 2021合影


HSCI 2024将于2024年7月7日至10日回归. We are almost at capacity but a waiting list is open. 请提交网上申请 在这里.
Please scroll down for more details about this pre-college program.

Thank you to all of the participants and collaborators who made the 2023 西班牙裔学生学院(HSCI) possible! Read more about the 2023 西班牙裔学生学院(HSCI) 在这里

有问题? 如有任何问题,请发邮件至:hsci@bomabearing.com



What are the goals of the 西班牙裔学生学院(HSCI)?
The 西班牙裔学生学院(HSCI) provides a unique and highly interactive opportunity for high school rising juniors and seniors of Hispanic/Latinx descent to strengthen their knowledge on issues related to transitioning to college, 未来的学术成就, 申请大学. Our goal is to increase students’ confidence in their ability to navigate the college admissions process and ultimately enroll at the college or university of their choice.

Rising high school juniors and seniors (high school students who will become juniors and seniors in Fall 2024) of Hispanic/Latinx descent.

COVID-19 Vaccination Policy (More Details to Come): 一旦接受了, applicants will receive a request for additional information including parent permission forms and health information forms. 请留意你的电子邮件. 接受程序将于2024年4月开始.

The Hispanic Student College Institute is completely free to all participants. The program includes housing for 3 nights; breakfast, 午餐, and dinner for 4 days; and non-credit workshops/co-curricular activities.

If you need more information, please send an email to hsci@bomabearing.com 或者跟随我们 脸谱网 or Instagram


“It’s always a wonderful event to attend and I am always inspired and moved after spending time with these motivated students. Many of them are the first in their families to go to college and receiving an education not only offers them a path and opportunity to succeed but for many it is their family’s realization of their “American dream”. A lesson I always take away from my time spent at HSCI is that for many of us our path to success, 虽然它需要努力工作和勤奋, is often clear but for countless members of our society the road to success is more opaque. 给 students the opportunity to connect with others who have travelled the same journey can make all the difference.
– Mary Comito, 十大博彩推荐排名州立 Trustee and State Farm Agent”

“I was overjoyed by the students’ clear determination and eagerness to network and ask pertinent questions about their futures. They were clearly prepared for the event and knew what they wanted. They kept me on my feet from the time I stepped in and until I left. Events like these show that underrepresented and minoritized students are attracted to the college experience. If only they had genuine opportunities to network and gain entry, they too could succeed beyond anyone’s wildest expectation. It was an honor to take part in such a groundbreaking event for 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学!
– Dr. 杰森·米. Williams, 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学, Professor of Justice Studies

“I wanted to send you a note of gratitude for the amazing opportunity you’ve given Matthew. 我看到儿子带着微笑回来了, speak passionately about your program and eager to step into the world to shine! We picked him up and saw him stand taller and prouder. He described the experience as, “the first time he ever felt as though he belonged.” He said that his assigned mentor was a “genuinely nice guy that he’d love to stay connected to.” He found the speakers to be informative and helpful, feeling more prepared to begin his college applications. My son plans on putting MSU on his list of schools to attend as a result of the HSCI program! Muchísimas gracias por tu apoyo, dirección y por representar nuestra gente con orgullo.”
- HSCI家长



* Registracion para el 维莱诺2024 esta abierto ahora!
Las fechas del instituto son 7 de julio hasta 10 de julio del 2024.
Registrarse aqui.

El Instituto Universitario para Estudiantes Hispanos(HSCI) brinda una oportunidad única y altamente interactiva para que los estudiantes hispanos de secundaria que estén entrando al 11 y 12avo grados para fortalecer sus conocimientos sobre temas relacionados con la transición a la universidad, el futuro éxito académico y la solicitud de ingreso a la universidad. El instituto seguirá las pautas de COVID-19 para ofrecer un entorno seguro para todos.

Si está interesada/o o necesita más información, por favor envíe un correo electrónico a hsci@bomabearing.com 我的意思是,我的连接是新的 脸谱网 o Instagram