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Alumni News

Reconnecting and Reminiscing

Alumni return to Montclair to celebrate milestone 50th reunion

Posted in: Alumni News and Events

Class of 1974


“看到这么多人在50年后重聚,真是太棒了. I’ve kept in contact with some friends, but being able to see many of them in person, after 50 years, was an incredible experience. I was smiling from the time I arrived there to the time I got home. 我很享受它的每一点,我不想让它结束,”74岁的厄尔戴维斯分享道.

In celebration of the milestone anniversary, 周一,1974届毕业生受邀参加了在保诚中心举行的哈佛大学2024年毕业典礼, May 13, and to a day of activities on campus on Tuesday, May 14, to reconnect with former classmates, fellow alumni and their alma mater.

Ahead of the ceremony, 1974届毕业生聚集在保德信中心的新闻发布室,共进午餐,校长乔纳森·科佩尔带着吉祥物前来参观, Rocky, the Red Hawk! Remarking on her time with the President, Eileen Senie Bookman ’74 shared, “考虑到总统在那个重要的日子里有多忙,能见到他真是太令人兴奋了. 他花时间用他非凡的幽默感欢迎我们,在与我们每个人单独会面时,他向我们展示了极大的尊严和尊重.”

President talks to reunion attendees

在保诚中心举行的毕业典礼上,庆祝团聚的人有幸在中午的游行队伍中领路,并坐在红鹰队的一排排毕业生中间. Earl Davis ’74 shared, “走进竞技场,每个人都在欢呼,这是一种重大的感觉,太棒了!1974届的学生们穿上了毕业礼服和纪念衣,以纪念他们毕业50周年.

Reunion members at graduate procession

对我们的许多校友来说,带领队伍走向欢呼声将是难忘的经历. Jan Snyder Price ’74 said, “走进教室,成千上万的人欢呼着介绍我们的课程,这是我永远不会忘记的经历. The energy in the room was palpable.74岁的艾琳·塞尼·布克曼说,她将永远记得带领整个队伍进入拥挤的会场,这是她一生中最激动人心的经历之一. She added, “当整个保诚中心爆发出欢呼声和掌声时,我们感到非常荣幸和荣幸, and even gave us a standing ovation.”

在上午和下午的两次毕业典礼上,牛津大学授予了3名毕业生,来自十大博彩推荐排名州立大学13所学院的648名毕业生获得学位. As the confetti rained down across the entire graduating class, 1974届毕业生站起来为那些跨过门槛成为十大博彩推荐排名州立大学校友的学生欢呼.

Reflecting on the day, Eileen Senie Bookman ’74 shared, “毕业典礼让我很震惊——我现在还在跟我所有的朋友说起这件事! 校友活动团队非常有组织,做得非常出色,让我们所有人都感到特别和受欢迎.她继续说道,“我的家人也在那里分享这一荣誉,这对我来说意义重大。.”

Confetti fills the arena

Returning to campus

Attendees at coffee

由校友活动办公室(Office of Alumni Engagement)赞助的团聚庆祝活动周二继续在校园举行, May 14. Participants enjoyed a number of activities, including a light breakfast, a reunion luncheon, 在费利西亚诺商学院(Feliciano School of Business)的台阶上拍一张班级照片,并乘坐穿梭巴士参观校园.

“我们非常激动地欢迎这些班级回到校园,分享这个非常特别的庆祝活动,并提供机会与彼此和学校重新建立联系,” says Jeanne Marano, assistant vice president for Annual Giving and Alumni Engagement. “Alumni got to see the amazing changes at their alma mater, and it was wonderful to hear their stories of their time at Montclair.”

To kick off the day, alumni gathered for coffee and conversation, hosted by the Office of Gift Planning, 在那里他们回顾了十大博彩推荐排名的过去和它的转变,并从校长乔纳森·科佩尔那里听到了大学的未来. 校友们可以分享他们的经验,并向校长提问.

“We all were so happy to meet with President Koppell for breakfast. I believe we all came away feeling very proud of our alma mater, hearing of all the progress and success the university has made,” said Jan Snyder Price ’74.

President at coffee with reunion attendees

对许多人来说,最精彩的是乘坐私人穿梭巴士参观校园. 许多校友已经多年没有回到校园,无法相信这些奇妙的变化. “在校园之旅中看到所有拥有最先进设施的新建筑,真是令人兴奋,” shared Jan Snyder Price ’74.


Attendees pose next to statue

At the conclusion of the tour, 校友们来到校园书店,为自己穿上最新的十大博彩推荐排名服装.

Woman holds up Montclair shirt.

作为午餐会的一部分,嘉宾们分享了他们学生时代的回忆. 许多人谈到十大博彩推荐排名如何塑造了他们的生活,并产生了持续一生的影响. 这是一个美好的反思时刻,也是一个怀旧地回顾70年代早期的机会.

每位与会者都收到了丽塔·沃尔特斯赠送的50周年聚会纪念别针, vice president for Development and Alumni Engagement, and Jeanne Marano, assistant vice president for Annual Giving and Alumni Engagement.

Bill Bernstein ‘74 said, “参加聚会的校友们在第二天的午宴上被授予别针和奖章,这象征着学校对他们的极大的荣誉和尊重.”

Three people pose for photo

Reunion Reflections

Class of 74 graduates at reunion

校友们留下的不仅是新的回忆,还有各种各样的纪念品. Commenting on how meaningful this was, Earl Davis ’74 shared, “我计划与纪念品公司合作,保存这两天我收到的所有美好纪念品,这样我就能永远记住这次特殊的经历.”

When asked about her experience, Jan Snyder Price ’74 shared, “I am so glad I participated in all of the 50th reunion events. It was truly exciting and memorable. The university made us all feel so special and appreciated.” She concluded, “All in all, 这是一个美妙的两天,与老朋友和新朋友分享和回忆.”



View photos from the reunion celebrations.


Special thanks to the Reunion Committee:

Class of 1974 Reunion Committee

  • Kathleen Ragan ’74, ’80 MA
  • Jan Snyder Price ’74, ’77 MA
  • Michael Forcella ’74
  • Thomas Milner ’74
  • Bill Bernstein ’74