
校友Arlene Crescenzi Allen ' 64留下了一生的礼物

永远崇敬她在十大博彩推荐排名的教育, 阿琳·克雷森兹·艾伦64届 left a transformational gift to the 大学 that will assist generations of students in gaining their teaching education.

发布: 校友新闻及活动


Throughout her lifetime, 阿琳·克雷森兹·艾伦64届 loved to help others. She was devoted to her profession of teaching and cherished her Montclair education.

以至于她在遗嘱中提到了十大博彩推荐排名, leaving a transformational gift that will provide scholarship support for students in the Teacher Education Program at the College for Education and Engaged Learning (CEEL). 艾伦于2023年3月去世, 还有她慷慨的遗赠, 最近收到十大博彩推荐排名州立大学基金会, 会把她的同情心延伸到后代吗.

An English major, Allen credited Montclair for preparing her for a fulfilling career. She taught English and literature for the Clark Board of Education for 37 years, 大部分在利文斯顿州长地区高中. 她于2001年从Arthur L. 约翰逊高中,也在克拉克.

阿琳重视自己的学习,并在掌握自己的学习中茁壮成长,Myrtis Yake说, 和艾伦一起在CEEL顾问委员会工作的人. “Her education at Montclair was her gateway to the world – it was the highlight of her young life.”

当阿琳谈到她在十大博彩推荐排名州立大学的岁月时, it was as though she was currently living and reporting on the experience…with such enthusiasm, 对它的欣赏和崇敬,Yake补充道.

“还有她慷慨的遗赠, 阿琳选择了创造一些经久不衰的东西,十大博彩推荐排名州立大学校长乔纳森·科佩尔说. “This transformational gift helps Montclair carry out its core mission of creating ways for students to find academic success and build their potential. Arlene has made it possible for students to change the trajectories of their lives – just as she did with her Montclair education.”


Allen was an inaugural member of the then College of Education and Human Services (CEHS) Advisory Board and was steadfast in her involvement – an extension of her exceptional commitment to Montclair and to its teacher education students in particular. 一个忠实的支持者, 艾伦曾在校友会董事会任职, as a member of her 50th Anniversary Reunion Committee and participated in panel discussions and on annual scholarship dinner committees over the years. She was honored as a distinguished alumna in 2016 as part of the 大学’s Convocation exercises.


支持她对大学的热情的是艾伦深爱的丈夫, 克雷格, 2019年谁去世了.

“I fondly recall that Arlene and 克雷格 were on campus for numerous events throughout the years,76岁的弗兰克·阿尔瓦雷斯说, CEEL顾问委员会成员. “She was totally committed to 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学…and she leaves a great legacy behind through her service and contributions to the 大学.”


渴望帮助学生成为老师, Allen had established two scholarships at the 大学 – the 阿琳·艾伦 Student Teacher Scholarship in 2009 and the 克雷格 and Arlene Crescenzi Allen Endowed Scholarship in 2011 – to help support Montclair teacher education majors during their student teaching experience. 艾伦是她母校的忠实捐款人, and in addition to providing scholarship support had made the lead gift to establish the Dr. 大学大厅里的罗素·克劳斯教室, 哪一个是2008年的, 为了纪念一位敬爱的教授和导师.

“Financial support from Arlene’s endowment will provide critical support for generations of future teachers who otherwise would find it very difficult to afford college,塔玛拉·卢卡斯说, 名誉教授,CEHS前院长. “Many students at Montclair are from families for whom college expenses pose a major challenge. Many of those students have the potential to become excellent teachers – teachers who understand the challenges faced by future generations of students much like themselves. By making a college degree and teacher certification financially feasible for many students, Arlene’s endowment will not only contribute to their individual success, but also help to provide well prepared teachers for New Jersey’s students.”

艾伦奖学金的前任获得者, Begona Plasencia-Guzman ’22 majored in Spanish and was part of the 大学’s Teacher Education program. 她现在在十大博彩推荐排名高中担任西班牙语教师. “The scholarship was instrumental in my ability to complete my education. 没有它, graduating would have been an even greater challenge…and I am profoundly grateful for the opportunities it afforded me,她说。.

“Scholarships like this not only alleviate financial burdens but also instill hope in students, 使他们能够实现自己的愿望. 夫人. Allen’s generosity has made a lasting impact on my life and countless others. I hope her legacy will continue to inspire future generations of students,” says Plasencia-Guzman.

“我永远感激你能给我这个机会. 艾伦让我拥有了,以利亚·汉普顿说, 这个月即将毕业并获得教育学硕士学位的人, after completing his clinical requirements as a student teacher for 7th and 8th grade ELA at Elizabeth Public Schools. “I want to serve as an educator because I would like to have an impact on others, 就像以前的老师对我说的那样,他分享道。. “Receiving the 克雷格 and Arlene Crescenzi Allen Endowed Scholarship was a huge help toward my senior year. 我是现役军人, 但我没有得到全额保险, 所以拿到奖学金就可以支付剩下的费用了. 我有财务自由.”

“Arlene’s transformative legacy gift reflects her commitment to advancing education and empowering future generations of student teachers and educators, and we are grateful for the impact she has made possible through her remarkable commitment to her alma mater,丽塔·沃尔特斯说, 负责发展和校友参与的副总裁.

艾伦的慷慨精神将在未来的岁月里继续存在. “Arlene’s heart was full of love and deep caring about higher education and 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学,雅克说。. “作为一名教师,她很成功,并把教学作为一种职业, 并想把它“传递”给其他人…….这让她非常高兴能够做到这一点.”

To learn how you can make a transformative impact and leave a lasting legacy, please contact Ely F. Santoni电话973-655-3695. Your planned gift has the power to change lives and shape the future in profound ways.


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